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Thursday, October 13, 2011

A New Writers Conference for the Inspirational Market

I'm thankful to announce a new writers conference. It's called re:write and it's completely different from any writing conference I've attended.


Because re:write is for any writer wishing to turn their words into a living. Fiction. Nonfiction. Self published. E published. Traditionally published. Blog published. We have speakers who have done all sorts of things, experimented with different paradigms. And we feature writers who have learned the secret of tribal marketing, social media, and cultivating community around their books. Pioneer folks. Entrepreneurial writers. People who take risks.

re:write wants to help you rethink your platform, turn content into profit, and seize the future. The conference asks (and answers) the question, How can I make a living at writing? From the site: "We want to draw new and experienced writers who will rediscover their voices and reinvent their approach and help them find resilience in a struggling marketplace."

The speakers for the event are Paul Young, Ken Blanchard, George Barna, Mark Batterson, Me, Esther Fedorkevich, Lysa TerKeurst, Jim Henderson, David Kinnaman, Sarah Mae, Pixel Peach, and Peter Strople.

The conference is held at the beautiful San Diego, California at the Town and Country Resort and Conference Center. on March 2-4, 2012. Cost ranges from $595--$899.

I'm really excited to be a part of this dynamic faculty, but more than that, I'm thrilled to go there to learn how to rethink how I can exist and thrive as a writer. It used to be that there was one path to publishing success: find an agent, have the agent shop your work, sign a contract with a publisher, then market your book and hope it sells.

While that still is a viable and important option, we now have several other avenues to explore. We can create ebooks. We can hop over to Create Space and make print books. We can pay for a self publishing entity to publish our books. We can become a publisher. And, in any case, we can now use the web to market effectively to our tribe. This conference will help you explore all these options. And then give you fresh ideas to market your work.

Fun news: You can get a discounted rate until December 31st. Get 10% off registration if you write MaryDeMuth in the "Enter Discount Code" box.

Like more information? Click on the re write website. Like the re write facebook page. Or follow the re write folks on Twitter.

Question for you: If you were to design your own conference, what would it include? How would it be different?

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  1. This conference looks AMAZING! Can't fit it in the budget this time, but something to keep in mind. I believe we'll be seeing more of these type conferences in the near future. Thanks for sharing! Their website layout rocks, too :-)

  2. And actually, I am considering putting on this type of conference. I know the incredibly amount of work that will go into this, so I have to wrap up other projects first. Writers are going to need lots of marketing education to stay in the industry now. Of course, great writing is your best marketing tool, but it's worthless if no one knows about it.

    Thanks for this post, Mary!

  3. Sarah, you go girl! Create that conference!


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