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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

It's Spooky Sometimes, How Fast Time Flies

Don’t forget, the deadline for submissions for the last category, Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror, is looming. If we don’t get your weird and/or spooky entry by midnight next Monday, October 10, 2011, you’ll be left out in the cold.

Send your completed entry form, along with your first chapter (or first 3000-4000 or so words) and synopsis to us at, and then bite your nails with worry until we announce the winner on November 14.

Yvonne Anderson writes Fiction That Takes You Out of This World. The Story in the Stars, her debut novel, is Book One in the Gateway to Gannah Series published by Risen Books. Check it out, if you dare.

1 comment:

  1. I missed the announcement of this contest. Can you post a link to the full rules? If not, one question: Does a YA fantasy qualify for this category, or did I miss my chance with the MG/YA contest?


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