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Sunday, October 30, 2011

He Watches Over Me

David Castillo Dominici:

He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3)            

Several four- to five-year-olds clustered around a LEGO table, oblivious to the worship band on the screen in the family area of our church. A little girl leaned forward to grab one of the trains. She slipped and ended up under the table with the chair on top of her. Her eyes grew wide. But before a cry escaped her lips, her father covered the length of the room and swept her into his arms. He held her in one arm while he righted the chair. Then he swung her to him, looked her up and down, and smiled. Turning her away from him, he sat her in the chair. Within seconds she was engrossed with the LEGO toys. He drew up a chair a little way behind her and sat there for the rest of the service.
            I don’t remember the sermon or the songs we sang that Sunday. But an image is still fresh in my mind—a father watching over his daughter as he sat close enough to help if needed, far enough not to hover.
            It reminds me that I’m not alone in life or in my homeschool. My Father is near—close enough to reach out and steady me when I stumble or pick me up when I fall. He counsels me, instructs me, and guides each step I take.
            “The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm121:7-9).

Digging deeper: What reassurance does Psalm 121 offer you?

Excerpted from School Is Where the Home Is: 180 Devotions for Parents by Anita Mellott, copyright © 2011 by Anita Mellott. Used by permission of Judson Press,


  1. What a beautiful image of our Father and a perfect word picture to keep in mind!
    Psalm 121 is like a deep breath of fresh and healing air this cold, autumn morning. It reminds me that no matter what the outward shape of things, the Lord is right here, right now, and always will be. I love every word of that Psalm--such a stronghold is our God! "He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." How amazing is that!?!
    Thank you for this wonderful post!

  2. Thank you, Cathy, for the reminder that God is right here and always will be. God bless!

  3. A beautiful reminder of how close and dear our Heavenly Father is to us. That scripture was a favorite of a dear friend and I've always loved it.
    Thanks, Anita, for sharing your precious story.

  4. Thank you, Anita. I can see why you failed to remember what the sermon was about or what songs were sung. I wouldn't remember either. What a beautiful picture of our loving Father whatching over us. When I had to leave my mom in the hospital, knowing she would not go to her earthly home but to her heavenly home some time after I left, I taped Psalm 121:1-2 (I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.) to her bedrails. She asked, "What are you doing?" I said, "I'm taping your favorite Bible verse here for you, so when no one is here to read your Bible to you, you will know God is with you."

  5. I love this father's example. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you, Sally, Sue and Patti. I'm so glad He watches over us:).

  7. What a wonderful devotional for us to ponder over on our Monday.

    Your words made it so easy to be right there, seeing a father care for his child. Yes, just like God cares for us.

    God bless you, Anita.


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