You may have noticed not just our new look, but the new tabs at the top. Please do take a minute and check them out today. There's some really cool stuff and services that will benefit either you or someone you know. Book trailers for $350.00 for one, a simple website set up for 100... we're talking really reasonable prices folks. (Under "packages" tab).
We also have something new called ROCKET PAGES. This is what we're most excited about a big reason behind our name change and new look.
We also have something new called ROCKET PAGES. This is what we're most excited about a big reason behind our name change and new look.
If you are a writer and a need a service, Rocket Pages is where you come to find what you're looking for.
To help get the word out and build up our list of service providers, we are offering THIS MONTH ONLY, something called the forever sale.
The forever sale works this way:
For ROCKET PAGES listings, if you book now through the end of July, you will get your first year's listing at %50 off, not just this go around, but FOREVER, so long as the listing never lapses.
If it does, no biggie, you simply go back to paying the going rate.
There's not a better place for you to list your writer-related services. We reach tens of thousands of writers a month, both on this site, and via email. We're also launching an extensive social media campaign.
You can't beat that deal and it will most likely never come around again. So, tell your friends.
Go take a look at Rocket Pages and look at the different headings. Don't see the one that pertains to what you offer? No worries, we'll add it. Want an attention-grabbing widget to go with your ad, but don't know how to make one? No worries, we can help there as well.
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