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Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Light by Anita Mellot

Anita Mellott homeschools and blogs “Words of Encouragement and Hope” at From the Mango Tree. Her book of devotionals for homeschooling parents will be released by Judson Press in late summer 2011.

The Light

“Father, forgive us for having more passion for our names than Yours.” I paused as the worship pastor led us in corporate confession.

“Whose glory do you seek? Is it God’s or yours?” At my pastor’s question, I knew it was time to get on my knees.

Those words lingered in the following weeks. As I read and meditated on Matthew 6, the Light revealed the impurities within, like dust particles swirl around in the bright beam of sunlight.

“Lord, why is it that even my obedience and service to You is tinged with selfishness?” I wondered as the spotlight of the Holy Spirit probed deeper. Though I adopted the Psalmist’s prayer: “Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12), there was no balm as the subtlety of sin overwhelmed me.

“Lord, can my motives ever be pure?” I whispered. The answer stirred hope within my soul. “On your knees at the foot of the cross, those dust particles become invisible in the light of my Son’s love.”

So I continue to follow His leading, assured that He works within me to purify the dross. And I’m humbled that He breathes His words through this marred vessel’s pen so others may know He brings life and hope.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).


  1. Dear Anita,
    Thank you for your devotional today. The purity of heart is all through God's word. You brought it out beautifully and without condemnation.
    This has been a desperate prayer of mine for many years. Since my childhood responses to what I perceived as unloving circumstances, I have felt negative about myself.
    But who builds us up but Jesus and his perfect love?
    So we do not need people's affirmation to feel fulfilled about ourselves.
    You have worded it perfectly - with God's perfect affirmation.
    God's blessings always,

  2. All my righteousness like filthy rags ...

    Yet so great are His mercies toward them that fear Him.

    Thank you for this timely reminder to meditate on the greatness of His holiness and grace.


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