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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Too Many Books on Your Book Shelf?

There's just something magical about seeing print! I love the black and white text on page and the smell of bookstores, the feel of book pages.

Thus, I was thrilled when I found this tutorial on the Internet explaining how to make your own paper wreath.

I thought I would share this with you guys as hopefully others of you would be interested in a paper wreath. The cost was pretty low, especially if you already have a glue gun, glue sticks and books you're willing to . . . well, destroy. For those of you on deadlines, it took several hours (almost an entire day) to make one, longer than I thought.

Hope you enjoy. Special thanks to Living with Lindsay for sharing her knowledge with us.

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  1. I love this, Jessica! You know, an idea for books would be to go to thrift stores where you can get old paperbacks for 25 cents. :) For a person who loves the smell of books, what a great gift!

  2. My fortieth birthday is coming up soon... hint... hint :)

  3. Love this idea - I'm going to make one as a door prize at our next writers' conference. :)

  4. What a great idea, thank you!

    And just as I write this, I'm struggling through what seems to be just the right kind of book... :-)))))

  5. I just can't let myself destroy a book - even if it is for a nice-looking, unique wreath!

  6. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too many books any place--even your walls! Very neat.

  7. This looks absolutely gorgeous! Love it on that wall.


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