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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Off and Running!

Our new awards program, OUT OF THE SLUSH PILE; Novel Journey’s Fifteen Minutes of Fame Contest, is under way. The first round entry deadline has passed, and the judges are now reading the Historical submissions. Winners will be announced January 11.

We’re excited to see the high quality of the entries. Seriously, it would be easier if they weren’t all so good – it’s hard to make a decision!

But if you missed the starting gun, don’t worry. You can still get in on the next lap, because we’ll be racing around
this track for twelve whole months.

Click here for all the details. Then, get out that o
ld book you never quite finished, and compose the perfect conclusion. Or, put that novel you’ve had simmering in your mind into words. Or, revise that manuscript you wrote some years back but couldn’t sell. Do whatever you must to get into the running. Here's the schedule for the rest of the contest:

Whatever horse you’ve got in your barn, saddle up, cowboy, and let’s see what you’ve got!


  1. One question... on the dates in the table, it says the submission deadlines are in 2011, but the winners are announced in 2010...? Did you mean 2010 for the first one?

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  2. Gracious, Limabean, you're right!

    I meant 2010 for everything except the Best of the Year announcement. Urg!

    I'll see if I can change it without ruining everything. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  3. Awesome. Looking forward to the contest. IT'll be great fun.


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