If your first guess was yours truly, sorry... not for awhile yet. (Dry those tears, it won't be long ;-)
No, no, it's our good friend, Title Trakk co-founder, CJ Darlington.
Her novel, Thicker Than Blood won the Christian Writer's Guild Operation First Novel contest and was published this month with Tyndale House.
It's now available on sites like Amazon and CBD and in bookstores wherever books are sold.
CJ's a good seed and we hear good things about this one. We hope you'll check it out. She has done a lot to promote Christian fiction. This is our chance to say thank you!
(CJ will be joining us next month for a two-part interview. She did a GREAT job with it. Check it out the last two Tuesdays of Jan.)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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» Guess Whose Book is Out Now?
Guess Whose Book is Out Now?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
1 comment
I just saw this post. Thank you so much, Gina! I look forward to interviewing YOU when your book comes out. :)