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Saturday, October 03, 2009

I've got my cover!

Just the other day, I was sent the jpeg for the cover of my debut novel, Crossing Oceans. Truth be known, one of my fears in the whole publishing process was getting a cover that I hated. Covers, in my opinion, matter a lot. They definitely do to me when I'm looking to buy a book.

Going in, I knew what I liked and what I didn't. The way I figured it, what appealed to me probably would appeal to my potential reader.

Tyndale was really great about the process. They asked what sort of cover I really liked and what type of cover I would be miserable with. Being book obsessed as I am, I already had a file with covers that captured me and had already figured out what turned me off about others. I shared all of that with them.

The original cover they sent looked just like the one you see here, except the little girl's hair was different than I had imagined it should be. I said so, and they graciously made the change.

I originally pictured a cover with lots of blues, but the pink, shell-like hues are beautiful and I'm so thrilled with my cover I could cry.

After many years and rejections, seeing my cover is one of the few sweet moments in this business and I wanted to share it with you.

Many thanks to my brilliant cover designer, Jennifer Ghionzoli. You did an awesome job. I love it!!!


  1. I LOVE the cover, Gina. When I first saw it, I cried. As a CP, I suppose that's expected. :) Love you, love the cover, and I couldn't be more proud!!

  2. The cover is AWESOME! I love it, especially knowing the tone of the story. They captured it.

  3. Oh, Gina, I love the cover. It definitely makes me want to read the book. The soft shell pinks are evocative. Covers do matter. This one is as effective as a good hook because it raises questions that I want answered.

  4. Gina, that's a great cover. It kind of reminds me of a Jodi Picoult cover.

    Looking forward to reading it.

  5. Gina that is an incredible cover. The little girl looks just like I imagined. SO incredibly pleased for you.

  6. Oh, awesome! Beautiful. Seeing a cover for the first time is DEFINITELY one of the highlights of the whole process. And Jennifer Ghionzoli is the best! She designed my cover too!

  7. Gina, I am beaming with you! This is a beautiful cover.

    Thank God for keeping His promises- that every good work he begins he will complete.

    Blessings to you...

  8. It's a lovely cover. Would certainly attract me to the book. Congratulations.

  9. Thanks ladies! I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. It's definitely a rare and wonderful moment in life. Glad I could share it with you.

  10. The cover is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing a little about the process and your preparation. Sounds like a good file to get started!

  11. Thanks Johnnie, and good luck on the MS you just sent off!

  12. Way to go, Idaho!
    Yes, covers grab my attention. The stuff beneath could be Grisham-worthy but if the cover does not grab my attention, then, it won't won't even get a blip on the 'grab me' meter.
    so, does that make me shallow? Or just a consumer?
    anyway, kudos to you, Gina.
    yes, you do deserve it. never let youself say anything else.

  13. Love your cover! Beautiful design!


  14. This is just beautiful! I'm very drawn to it.

    Congratulations on the cover, and on the coming publication.

  15. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  16. Love the cover -- definitely something I would pick up in the bookstore and examine closely.

  17. Gorgeous cover, Gina. So thrilled for you! Marcia

  18. Congratulations, Gina!!!! The cover is so beautiful, I can't wait to read this! We love Tyndale, such a wonderful publisher. :)

  19. Gina, thanks for your nice note. Waiting for the "yea/nay" is the hardest part!

  20. It's beautiful, G! I'm so happy for you, and so glad that you're thrilled with it, too. The best part, I know the work inside is just as beautiful!

  21. What an amazing journey you've been on, and how perfect that you love the cover. A huge congratulations!

  22. A lovely cover, Gina. I'm so happy for you.

  23. BEAUTIFUL COVER GINA!!! I'm SO EXCITED for you!! They did a WONDERFUL job. It really stands out and makes you want to look inside.

    All the best to you. I can't wait to read it.


    Finding Hope Through Fiction

  24. The cover is beautiful, Gina! I'm so happy for you. Congrats! :)

  25. Thanks everyone. you're all so sweet to take the time to pump me up. I appreciate it :)


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