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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In His Time

We would like to introduce Anita Mellott to all our readers. She will be filling in with Sunday devotionals from time to time. Anita writes to encourage others on their journey of life. With a background in journalism and mass communications, she has worked for more than 10 years as a writer/editor in the nonprofit world. She balances homeschooling and the call to write, and blogs at From the Mango Tree.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11

As we drove to the beach, a car overtook us. It wove in and out of traffic, zigzagging across lanes, overtaking other cars from the left and the right. “Someone’s in a hurry,” I commented to my husband. And then I stopped short.

I’m like that so often. I’m in a hurry, especially when I sense God calling me to do something, like writing. I forget that the journey can be long and sometimes hard. I want to see immediate results. I get so caught up in where I want to be or think I should be, I get ahead of His timing. That’s a dangerous place to be--it brings frustration, discontent and discouragement. At times, it makes me doubt the calling to write, and I feel like giving up.

God’s timing rarely conforms to mine. Yet it’s the best. He holds eternity and my times in His hands. He’s not constrained by the confines of human time. He knows what and when is best for me. As I learn to let go and trust Him, even though I sometimes can’t see the end, He brings peace. A place of rest. He will let everything fall into place beautifully when He deems it appropriate.

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  1. Anita, welcome! Loved the post. I look forward to seeing more.

  2. What a timely post, Anita. How often I have been like that, telling God to hurry up! But I've seen some of the reasoning behind his delay, and I'm thankful for it. :)

  3. Welcome, Anita. I love this! You're writing about me, right?

  4. What a beautiful and sobering devotional that I soooo can relate to. What a blessings to read Anita's post. I look forward to reading many more.


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