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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Please Welcome New Columnist, Ronie Kendig!

Novel Journey has a new monthly columnist! Our good friend, Ronie Kendig, will blog one Monday a month. We think you'll find her insights interesting and useful. We certainly do! Please take a moment to welcome her aboard.

Ronie Kendig has a BS in Psychology and is a wife, mother of four, and avid writer. Her first espionage thriller, DEAD RECKONING, will be released through Abingdon Press (Spring 2010). An active member of ACFW, Ronie serves as the Book of the Year coordinator and List Hostess. She also volunteers in various ways with ACFW and teaches creative writing at her local homeschool co-op. Visit Ronie at the following:
Facebook, Shoutlife, and Twitter!


  1. Ronie, we're so excited to have you. Thank you for joining the NJ team. :-)

  2. Welcome, Ronie! So glad to have you aboard.

  3. Welcome aboard, Ronie.

    I do feel a little nervous that you have a degree in psych. Promise that you won't analyze could end up being a little scary if you know what I mean.

  4. Thanks, everyone! I am really excited to be here, too!
    I am grateful for this opportunity to join the wonderful Novel Journey team!

    Kelly - Maybe this will put you at ease--I'm not licensed to psychoanalyze. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't do it secretly. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!

    I think my degree in psychology has greatly helped me understand myself, people, and add depth to my characters.

  5. Welcome to the team, Ronie. Look forward to reading your debut post.

  6. Looking forward to reading your posts, Ronie.

  7. Welcome, Ronie! Does this mean I have to act professional now? I mean, a BS in Psychology? This woman can analyze me? Oy, I'm in trouble now.

  8. Y'all are insane! I'm just little ol' me. :-D (okay, Ane, you know me better than that, but don't tell anyone the gosh-awful truth. Promise? LOL)

  9. My stars you've got a lot on your plate! I admire your ability to keep it all balanced. You go, girl!

  10. Yay!!! So glad to see this, Ronie! So cool! Can't wait to read your posts, girlie. Love ya!

  11. Congrats, Ronie! It's already been so much fun getting to know another debut author in the Abingdon Press family, and I am really looking forward to your DEAD RECKONING release!

  12. Yay, Ronie!! (and, this is because you don't have enough to do, right ... ??)

  13. Great to have you with us, Ronie! :)Marcia (Sunday devotionals)

  14. I feel as proud of you as if I were your mama, sister, and best friend! I'm excited about what the Lord is doing in your life...including bonding us as fellow Abingdon authors!

  15. So that's what you do with a psych degree. Nice to meet you.

  16. Hip, hip hooray, Ronie! I'm so glad to see you here.

  17. Hi Roni -

    Congratulations! I'm looking forward to your posts.

    Susan :)


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