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Friday, September 26, 2008

Guest Blog ~ Kimberlie Dykeman ~ Timeliness and Timelessness of Quotes

The Timeliness and Timelessness of Quotes:
How one just might help you find your passion and why
~ a Kimberlie Dykeman signature SOAPBOX® vignette

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” ~Maya Angelou

And so it begins with beauty of submission. It is with refreshed energy and emancipation that I deliver this compilation, praying it prevails over the litany of taxing and trite amalgamations that litter your desktop. With great anticipation, yet transient restraint, I have listened and honored the lingering under-conversation in my pea-pod brain. And the results rouse a recurring mission to depict and entertain with humor, to prompt and effect with profundity and sentiment. Yet, the deliberate transmission of text is not the music, my friends. Instead, the jazz and groove eclipse the rind and resonate an essence that invigorates me. Effectively, the words write me.

And so I must ask, where lies equal enjoyment in your existence? What fills your belly with glee and moves your lips to hummmm your very own anthem? Does your spirit soaked,sense of purpose take shape in the flesh? Have you clipped it to your lapel, a beaming brass broach for the curious world to see and admire? If so, then keep that baby shining! However, if your jewel be hidden, perhaps you’ll
reconsider the consequences of hindsight.

I say, become an ambassador to your song, folks. Dispense of the knee-jerk deflection of feelings and release your music. Course osmotically through the labyrinth of the tangible and take to galumphing outside the proverbial box of society’s expectations. Dig up a sidelined story, tap your historical humble beginnings, or soapbox your own fellowship of family, friends, and colleagues. Move to be moved. Name that tune in 50,000 notes and then some. Confetti deaf ears with the tones of who you are, of who you will be, of who you will to be. And, for God’s sake, dance, dance, dance.

© 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

is an on-camera personality, multimedia producer, motivational speaker and author of Pure Soapbox …a cleansing jolt of perspective, motivation, and humor.


  1. "..equal enjoyment of [my] existence...' ?

    This blog post, Kimberlie Dykeman.

    And my own inspiration-turned-manuscript, of course.

    Writing from my burning heart and growing revelation. Writing before both have the time to pass away, crowded out from my very own monochromatic mundane.

    Thank you for the entertainment-turned-inspiration.


  2. Speechless. : )

    Thanks for sharing your eloquent thoughts with Novel Journey, Kimberlie.

  3. Wow. Thanks for the inspiration, excitement, and energy. I'm set for the weekend to get a lot done!



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