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Friday, July 25, 2008

Guest Blogger ~ Jenny B. Jones and YA Writing

Jenny B. Jones is the author of the Katie Parker Production series, including the latest release The Big Picture. She is currently writing her next YA series for Thomas Nelson. When Jenny’s not slaving away at the keyboard or watching useless television researching, she’s teaching enthralled freshmen who hang on her every word and cry when class is over. You can visit her here .

How To Know If You’re a YA Writer

Just like not everyone is born to be a super model (not that I relate), not all people are destined to be YA authors. Sometimes it takes some hard introspection to determine if you are up for the calling. So how do you know if the young adult market is your perfect fit? Allow me to offer up some clues.

1. You find yourself using the words “like,” “totally,” and “so” so totally much that people get annoyed with you. Recently a student informed me that I talked like a surfer. I’m from Arkansas.

2. You have a subscription to Teen Vogue and know the name of Paris’s dog, Miley’s sister, and Lindsay’s hair stylist. None of these topics will mesh themselves well into normal adult conversation by the way. It seems that other people enjoy talking about politics and world affairs. Yawwwn!

3. You know the laws for getting a drivers license in at least three different states.

4. The teenagers around you are sick of you asking them questions and have started charging by the hour for their consultation services.

5. Sarcasm is your second language. Eye rolls are your specialty.

6. You understand that drama comes in many forms—from break-ups, to abuse, to picking the wrong lipstick color. None are to be taken lightly.

7. If you’re writing for the male population, you have sacrificed much time and billable work hours for “research” on Wii, Halo, and skate boarding mags. You know about Master Chief and can also pop an ollie when necessary.

8. You’ve learned that screaming can be lyrical after all. And sometimes—when the moon is full, the stars are in alignment, and it’s high tide, you can actually decipher a word or two in a song.
9. You know Fall Out Boy is NOT the name of your grandpa’s new geriatric tub.

10. You’ve accepted the fact that 80s clothes are retro, but blue frosty eye shadow has still not made a comeback.

11. You are aware that Twilight is not just a time of evening.

12. The names Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, and Zac Ephron are synonymous with cool. Except that cool is no longer cool. It’s hot. No, make that hott.

13. You know that da bomb is dead. Hottie is a definite nottie. And it’s okay to LOL when you IDK.

If any of these things sound familiar, I’m afraid you have YA writer blood coursing through your veins. The only known cures are writing a novel or watching a weekend marathon of Hannah Montanna. One of the two will get something out of your system and surely annoy all those who claim you.

In the meantime, grab a few YA books, even if you KNOW you are not born to write them. Today’s young adult novels are not your old Sweet Valley High’s. They’re funny, tear-jerkers, intense, and packed with fast-moving plots. We have more adults reading the stuff than ever before. But now if you’ll excuse me—I totally have to go IM my BFF.


  1. Jenny, you are laugh-out-loud funny. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. I am a middle school librarian and would rather be writing YA books instead of shelving them (which I shouldn't even be having to do since I have so many wonderful teenage library assistants). Well, after reading this blog, it's totally official --YA writing it must be my calling because I can sadly relate to so many of the things you said. I don't know Lindsay's hairdresser, but Jessica Simpson's is Ken Paves! I truly think we could hang out. Thanks for the encouragement -- you rock! :) By the way, are you a "Twlilighter" too?

  3. Thanks for letting me stop by, Novel Journey! I had so much fun dishing on YA. And Twilighter, I'm TOTALLY into Twilight. I wasn't really thrilled with books 2 and 3, but I will probably read book 4 to stay in the loop. I'm considering going to the Barnes and Noble midnight party just to see all the obsessed teenagers.

    Ken Paves...that boy needs to lay off the Chi!!

  4. My daughters (14 and 16) pointed out that Ephron is Efron. Oops. But I must be a YA, too, because I actually love a lot of screaming in my music--Underoath, As I Lay Dying, and Killswitch Engage are some of my favorites.

    Eric Wilson

  5. Love it, Jenny! It was WAY cool. Is that still in?



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