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Friday, September 21, 2007

Stepping Up to Bat – From the ACFW Conference

Friday, I taught a workshop on publicity here at ACFW. I prepared, I recited, I gathered stories and refused, absolutely refused, to be nervous about teaching.

I started to teach, and then it happened. I looked up at the eyes trained on me and froze. My thoughts scattered. I forgot the point I was making. Later, it happened again and I had to stop, smile, and just come out with it. "I'm sorry, I lost my point. I'm a little nervous here." Everyone laughed, and for me, the ice broke. I went on to express my passion for teaching them publicity, as I know it really does make a difference in book sales.

I wish I could say everything went perfectly smooth afterwards. It definitely got better, but the amount of information I wanted to communicate didn't translate necessarily the way I wanted it to.

Afterward, I felt tempted to cycle through all the things I meant to say, or wish I had stressed, or could have done better. I had to mentally give myself a shake and think differently. No, it may not have gone exactly the way I wanted, but I took a step in the right direction.

I recall how nervous I felt the first time I sent out my writing to be critiqued, and how hard it was for me to critique someone's work. I remember the first time I pitched my book, it didn't go that well, but by the time I went to the next conference, I was able to speak freely and without tripping over myself. Then, there was sending out the first proposal and manuscript. That was excruciating, but now I've dealt with agents and editors long enough not to even think much about it after I hit send.

I also recall my first days of learning publicity. I had to crawl before I could walk. I remember my hands were cold as I dialed the number for a small town newspaper—and like going up a high dive—the only way to figure out how to do this was to jump in. Now I could board a plane to New York and meet with national media without feeling as shaky as I did that first phone call.

So, in the end, I'm calling the class a success. Maybe not a success as we like to define it—I wowed them, left them inspired, and can't wait to hear the CD. But, it was one more step in the right direction. One more path taken on this journey. And who knows, maybe someone reading this will remember it the next time they step out of their comfort zone and have that icky feeling that too often follows.


  1. jessica rocks! i was in her class and she did a great job! Go jess, go jess, go jes...

  2. Way to go, Jessica - I've been there! And sometimes when we think we've bombed, God does amazing things in the people who are sitting in front of us.
    Bless you for being there.

  3. I don't think I have ever made it through a teaching situation without loosing my train of thought at least once. There have been a few times that the students were not aware that I lost my train of thought, maybe even most of the time, but I figure that it is just part of the territory. I like to have a lot of class participation when I teach and I make it very clear that I expect it. Getting class participation requires giving the class members time to speak. Losing my train of thought is often beneficial with my teaching style because it gives the students one more place to chime in with something that they have been chewing on in their heads or to ask a question about a previous point.

  4. I was there too, Jessica. You did fine.

    Look at it this way:

    All you did was show us how brilliant you are at 90%. Just think how great it's going to be when we see you at a 100%.

    Keep in mind what Jerry Seinfeld said:

    Public speaking is the #1 fear in America. Death is #2.

    This means that if most people have to go to a funeral, they'd rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.

  5. LOL-- too funny Dayle!

    I really appreciate the comments, guys.

    My sister gave me this quote after I called her after the class:

    "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan

    I love that quote!


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