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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Why a new award? Glad you asked ...

From Ane:
Gina, Jessica and I all have extremely different tastes in books. It's rare for us to like the same book, let alone love it. While we may agree on good writing, great characterization, excellent plotting, etc., there still remains that elusive element that creates the long lasting impression.

Yet it happened this year. We're exited to say the least. And that's why we created the Arete Award. Strange name, right? Well, we're 3 strange chicks! Actually it isn't so strange. It means pinnacle or ridge line. We thought it appropriate for what we want to award it for.

The first thing to impress me in this book was the narration, the deep POV, and flawless emotion portrayal. The author put a whole new twist on an otherwise normal story. I read at night most often, and most often don't make more than a few chapters. I read this book in one sitting, and when I closed it, it lived on in my memory. As a reviewer, I read 2-3 books each week, sometimes more. Once I've written my review, most will be shut away in my memory's attic, collecting dust and forgotten. But a few will stay on the bookshelf, remembered and loved. This is one of those books.

From Gina:
What I loved about this novel:

The main character was written from the point of view of someone much different than the author and was one hundred percent believable.

There was nothing pretentious or "writerly" about it. The author's voice didn't interfere with a story filled with truisms. Bad things happened to good people. Good people screwed up royally.

There are consequences for sin, and often it isn't just the sinner who pays, but those who love him/her. But, in this book, as it is in life, divinity catches humanity's fall.

This novel was a perfect example of what I love about good writing—it stays out of the way of the story, tells the truth, entertains, and makes me examine my own life, changing me in small or big ways forever.

From Jessica:
First about the book. About six months before I read this novel, Ane, Gina and I had casually tossed around the idea of creating an award for Novel Journey. Why not? Our whole mission is to bring attention to fiction. Then one day on the phone with Ane, I mentioned this incredible book I was reading and how it broke the "rules" but the author did it so well, it actually made the story instead of hurting it.

She responded that she was reading a book just like it. It didn’t take us long to discover it was the same book. Gina read the book and loved it too. Thus we found our first recipient.

Now about The Arete. Our decision to pursue it brought about a huge discussion because: A.) We wondered whether we were actually allowed to create an award, and B.) How on earth could we be justified in choosing a book, since we don't read every book that's released (and neither did we want a slew of books sent our way for consideration.)

Our solution, we have no formal system. That would be work. We don't need extra work. However, it does have to be a book that all three of us agree upon. It has to be a book we feel sets a high bar. And though we've not officially set this as a rule, in theory we agree it should be a book that has great crossover potential. And, oh yes, it has to be a book so good that we're willing to spend money to purchase the award.

Yes, The Arete is an actual award, which, in an emergency it could be used as a bookend or to prop open a door. So there's a double benefit to being a recipient!

Lastly, and personally I think this is the fun part, we just award The Arete at will, without announcing candidates. The first recipient of the Arete (pronounced ar-a-tay) doesn't even knows he/she has an award.

Want to know what book is so good it made the gals at Novel Journey take on yet another project? Stop by tomorrow.


  1. I hope you guys feel at least a little guilty leaving everyone hanging like that!

  2. Have you been reading Brandilyn's blog lately. For cryin' out loud. Cliffhanger city.

  3. Since ya'll don't have any rules, I'm guessing Peace Like a River even though it was a 2001 release.

    It fits the description-he broke a lot of rules: he used parenthesis and spoke to the reader.

    I am dissapointed that ya'll won't have nominees. Now I'll never get to say "It was an honor just to be nominated." Actually it's a good idea, just announce the winner. As the advice goes - get on with it. Nominees are backstory.

  4. I agree, for heaven's sake, get on with it! I can't take the suspense!

  5. Okay, it's now tomorrow and you have not posted the winner. I'm always looking for GOOOOOD reads.

  6. Okay, I'm confused. I read this last night and only thought that today is your tomorrow...silly me. I suppose you still have time according to your tomorrow.

    signed: The previous anonymous

  7. Clarification: We are only choosing books released the year we award. Otherwise, we'd be giving awards out left and right, PLa R, Safely Home, Redeeming Love, Jane Eyre, good grief, we'd go broke!

    Good guess Dayle but negatory. It's a newer novel.

  8. What a terrific idea! I'm glad you decided to do this.

  9. I remember hearing about A Bigger Life last year at ACFW. But you know how it is -- so many wonderful books; so little time. Now I'm definitely going to get Annette's book and put it at the top of my TBR list. Congrats, Annette!


  10. WOW!!!! What can I say? Thank you so very, very much for this award! I'm both thrilled and humbled to be the first recipient. A Bigger Life is the truly the book of my heart. For it to receive this recognition means so much. God gets the glory, but thanks go to my friend Paul C., whose voice inspired the story. I'll forever be grateful for the crossing of our paths. Again, I so appreciate Novel Journey's act of affirmation. Thanks to all three of you. Blessings!


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