Gina Holmes
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1
I once wrote a poem called “Black and White”, which accurately described my line of thinking as an on fire born-again, self-proclaimed Jesus freak. What the Bible said was what the Bible meant. There were no gray areas. There were no exceptions. There was grace but only for the rare obedient few.
When a friend came to me and said she was thinking of leaving her husband, without hearing her out, I counseled her on the consequences her children would face, on the fact that God hates divorce and she would not be blessed and all the other things we say to encourage a person to keep their covenant. She stayed and I was quite pleased with myself.
I later found out he had been badly abusing her and their children.
Several years ago, my world underwent an upheaval that would unbalance the best of Christians. Most of this happened at a time when my life was seemingly beyond reproach. I ran a CEF Bible club for the neighborhood children from my home and many were led to Christ. I taught Sunday school and was an AWANAS leader at my church and attended BSF (Bible study fellowship) each week. My heart was where it needed to be, or so I thought.
At that time, someone close to me stumbled and fell. My own faith and morals were questioned by even those close to me. I was horrified. I was humbled and I was humiliated.
I’d like to say my faith in God did not waver, but that’s not true. I was hanging on, but by the barest of threads. How could God say He loved me and allow this to happen? I went through depression. I went through anger. I settled into ambivalence and there I stayed for quite a while.
The only prayer I could muster during this time was a tearful nightly whisper of, “Lord, don’t leave me.” I couldn’t read my Bible. It was no longer the rule book I trusted. I realized there were gray areas and how much God seemingly left out that I wished He would address.
I began to question my black and white thinking, which brought to mind my friend. Surely God didn’t hate divorce in the case of a woman who did not have a marriage but an enslavement. Surely He didn’t really think she and her children should be constantly belittled and beaten. And if she left the situation as many Christians suggested, but didn’t divorce or remarry, did God really mean for her, a young woman, to never know the love of a good man? How should I have counseled her given what she was dealing with? I didn’t have the answers anymore. I still don’t.
Through the painful circumstances I’ve gone through, God has broken me. Ground me to dust so He could reshape me into a more beautiful vessel. One who no longer judges as I once did, sitting high on a legalistic stool and looking down on those whose shoes I have not walked in. I know now, things aren’t always black and white. Not always.
Now when I see someone I perceive to be in a sinful situation, I hurt for them, pray for them, and remember that not everything is what it appears. It’s God’s job to judge, mine to love.
Father, lift the scales from my eyes and soften my heart. May I never let my guard down and think that I’m above reproach. That I’m incapable of the sins I have judged others for. Teach me to love like you. Give me wisdom and teach me to extend the same grace Jesus would to those who need it most.
In Your Son’s name, amen.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
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» Sunday Devotion: The Other Side of Judgement
Sunday Devotion: The Other Side of Judgement
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I think I've been on a pretty similar journey. Praise God for changing our minds when they need changing. In the end we are all just beggars at the throne of grace. Thanks, Gina.
ReplyDeleteHe has so been dealing with me on being 'oh so judgemental' that it hurts when confronted with the truth. But, it truly is setting me free. How dare we look at one of ones that His son died for and point our boney fingers at them. Shame on me!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the words.
Gina, this is such a great post. It illuminates one of the darkest caves we Christians can stumble into -- and I say this having seen the walls of that cave with my own eyes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, as a writer, I've also noticed that nothing drains the power from fiction like piety, particularly when it comes to less than lovable characters. Jesus managed to infuse so many of his parables with grace and mercy -- and those qualities made his parables all the more powerful. Mercy really does triumph over justice.
Thanks for reminding us, Gina.
Sibella Giorello
PS. Send your video interviews to Barbara Walters. "The View" needs YOU!
"It’s God’s job to judge, mine to love."
ReplyDeleteWell said, Gina. And I have to remind myself of this on a DAILY basis. I wonder why we are so inclined to judge others? Even down to simple things, like the clothes people wear or the way they talk or the car they drive or the house they live in. We have such pre-conceived notions about what is "right" and "the way it's supposed to be" that it makes it almost impossible to shut out that voice of judgment.
Thanks so much ladies (and the genderless anonymous). I appreciate you reading this and commenting.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing how God has changed your heart. I too have been transformed by my Father. I too was christian woman that was being abused by her christian husband(I did not have children with him) but the Church told me to stay (they did not believe what was happening because I did not have scars or bruses that they could see). I stayed 2 1/2 years and then left(I got a restraining order)
I had done everything humanly possible to save that marriage (I prayed, fasted, went to counseling the very second week I was married - I became someone I didn't even recognize to save the marriage)
I realized that could not save the marriage or anything else for that matter; only my Father in heaven could touch peoples hearts and lives.
It has been 20 years since this happened to me.I'm still being judged about getting divorced and remarried because I was a christian at the time. God has done amazing things in my life.
My Heavenly Daddy has poured out His fragrance through my life with His Love, Peace and Joy getting me through impossible situations. I have learned that ALL things are possible with Christ He has truly been the lover of my soul and for that I'm thankful. Thanks for sharing your heart. It's encouraging to read.
Those questions are exactly what led me to write the Trophy Wives Club. I had a friend leaving a marriage, and I counseled her about how she was making such a terrible decision for her family, blah, blah, even gave her Scripture, telling her the rules. Ugh, when I think of the lack of love I showed her, when I hadn't realized how completely CLUELESS I was and yet throwing out advice. I could hurl, quite frankly.
ReplyDeleteThat was my final assessment as well. IT is only my job to love, God handles the judgment part and quite frankly, I learned how horrible I am at it anyway, so it's just as well. Great reminder Janet, thank you. Kristin