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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Devotion- The Ten Commandments for Writers, #4

Janet Rubin

Deut. 5:12 "Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you."

Isn't it like people to take a gift from God and turn it around to look like a curse? So often discussions regarding this command involve all the things you "can't do" on the Sabbath. Really, it's about what you don't have to do. Jesus said, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath." (Mark 2:27)

God designed us to work. Even before the fall, Adam and Eve had a job; they were to take care of the garden. Adam had a fun job naming the animals. Work was meant to be fulfilling. But our heavenly Father didn't create us just to work. He wanted us to rest, to take a break, to stop and enjoy life. To pause and remember Him.

Writing is a gift, one that many of us have made into a career or are working on turning into a career. An important part of reaching our goals of publication is incorporating writing into our daily schedule. But like with anything, we need a break. Our fingers and wrists need a break after hours of typing. Our minds need a rest. So God has given us the gift of a sabbath- a day to shut off the computer, take a walk with a husband, play Monopoly with our children, have tea with a friend, take a nap, sing to God, watch a movie...

In the creation week God showed us by example; on the seventh day He rested (Genesis 2:2). He knows us so much better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need- mentally, physically, spiritually. His commands are given out of love for us, because He wants the very best for us. Obeying this one will make us more productive, happier people.

Lord, Thank You for giving us permission to take a break. We acknowledge that You know what's best for us, and that all Your commands our good. Help us to get the rest we need.


  1. Janet,
    Great perspective. And great devotion. You have blessed me.

  2. Seems to be the message of late - God wants His children to slow down - have that day of rest that He created. Like you so wrote so well - He loves us that much that He's even concerned for our days of resting.
    Great words, Janet!

  3. Amen and Amen.

    A weekly day of rest helps me remember I will some day die and the world will go on without me. The rest does more than give me a break, great as that is. It also puts in perspective my little life and the bigness of God. And it allows me time to reflect on my life as I'm living it. When I don't take time off, I don't have time to reassess where I've been and where I'm going. Am I doing justice? Loving mercy? Walking humbly with God? Or am I too busy to do that well?

    I think rest is to life what holes are to lace.

  4. "I think rest is to life what holes are to lace."

    I love that, San! Thanks all for reading. Hope you enjoyed your "day of rest."

  5. Well said, Janet. It's not about legalism. It's about reflection and rest which God knows is good for us. I'm really enjoying this series btw.

  6. Well said, sister! I enjoyed the examples of what we can do to rest. I had mental images of each one as I was reading,and could hear your voice as well. This was timely for all of us,I'm sure. Thank God His Word always reaches us where we live.


  7. I had a new insight into the Sabbath recently that relates to writing. Have you ever noticed that a story needs points of relief, even as it moves to a climax? Just for the reader to catch his breath. Made me wonder if that's what the Sabbath does for us, too. Relief to catch our breath.

  8. Suzanne, I love that insight. Just like the pages have margins to give our eyes a break! Thanks.


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