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Saturday, March 03, 2007

What's Your Genre?

For this Saturday's topic, I'm curious to learn who here has switched their genre (or writes for more than one.)

As for me, I have always written historical, and have no doubt, I will always write historical. My interest in the story would wane too much if I were to try a leap to another genre.

Three of my critique partners have changed theirs however.

--One because she decided to write to market (and she was published.)

--One because she was advised during the ACFW conference that she was writing the wrong genre. And they were right, her plot is improving.

--And the last one, because her reading tastes have drastically changed, and she wants to write what she's reading.

What about you? Have you switched genres? Was it difficult or easy? Are you capable of writing more than one genre at a time? What steps do you advise for someone switching genre? How many of you are writing outside of your preferred genre, because that's not the market?


  1. I haven't switched genres yet myself, but I think I personally need to keep myself open the possibility. If I box myself in this early in the game, I might miss an opportunity down the road to write in something I'll enjoy even more than what I write now. But that's just me.

    I read a lot of suspense novels (my fav genre), but I write contemporaries. Lately I've been thinking about writing some YA novels as well since some of my protagonists end up being teens anyway.

  2. I can't really seem to stick with one genre. Historicals are my main genre, but some of the stories that come into my head belong somewhere else. So I have a hard time nailing myself to one, since my ideas come from everywhere.

    Sticking to one genre in this profession kind of worries me, since I'm a little spastic. We'll see what whappens.

  3. I doubt if I could write a book without serious romance in it, but not the fluff kind. I'd like to write a mystery/spiritual (as in supernatural) thriller, but of course the Lord will determine that call. And I could never write anything but contemporary as history is not my best lick, and even though it's a rare, rare time when I read a(n) historical novel, I certainly appreciate those who are able to research and write them.

  4. Even though what I write in my "big stories," per se is horror, my short stories are all over the place - from comedy to experimental and then back to genre work.

  5. I don't want to limit myself to one type of writing or genre. I'm a journalist, poet, screenwriter, novelist (sci-fi, chick-lit, general fiction) and songwriter. I enjoy writing and I'm constantly learning more about each writing craft and I think that's something you always have to do.

    The big thing is that you have to learn when to put on your "journalism hat" when you're writing an article and your "screenwriter hat" when you're working on a script (or whatever your hat may be). It's about learning to focus on the genre you're working on at the time. Kinda like Peter Parker being a photographer when he's at the paper and Spiderman when danger arises.

    I hope that helps!!


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