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Friday, February 02, 2007

Update about Publicity Fridays

At the beginning of January, I resigned from Glass Road Public Relations in order to focus on my daughter and husband.

Rather than continue to teach publicity as a former publicist, I've asked Rebeca Seitz, president of GRPR, to continue. I was thrilled when she agreed. So starting next week, tune in for her first teaching.

I've received a few letters asking if everything was okay. And, everything really was. My daughter is four and after her parent/teacher conference, I realized she needs me the most right now. Plus, my husband runs his own small business and I felt I needed support him in that.

Right after my resignation, a prayer request went out for my husband. Doctors think they've found a growth between his ear and his brain. So right after I assured everyone all was well with my family, a prayer request went out. Talk about timing. So I thought I'd just address it here, in case you've heard conflicting information regarding me.

We greatly appreciate all the prayers. We're in good spirits, but won't have more news until next week.

I'll continue with Novel Journey. How could I not? It's such an amazing site and a privilege to be part of. I'll continue to post on Fridays (publicity) and Saturdays. So you can see me again tomorrow!


  1. Jessica, you and your husband will be in our thoughts and prayers.

    Is. 41:10

  2. Mine too. God bless you, Jessica. I'm so glad you can be at home with your family at this time. Stick close to the Shepherd.

  3. I just love how God moves us in directions only to reveal why later. Jessica, I'm praying for healing for your husband and for God to move in a mighty way in the lives of you and your family. God bless!

  4. I'm praying for you and your family, Jessica.

    Although I understand your reasons for leaving Glass Road, I'll still miss your e-mails from there. :-)

  5. Jessica - you and your precious family are in my prayers.

  6. Thanks, Everyone! I really appreciate your prayers.

    And Vennessa I'll miss you too! We'll just have to blogging friends. :0)

  7. I'm glad I'll still see you around here, Jessica! It's been great working with you at Glass Road.

  8. Thank you so much for all your support, help, ideas, and prayers. I wish you well, and will be praying God's guidance and provision for you family.


  9. Jessica, I've enjoyed reading your posts on the blog and am glad you're continuing, but I'd also like to give you kudos for stepping away from work to spend time with your family. Your daughter will remember this and know she's important. Praying as well that all goes well with your husband.

  10. Good choice Jessica. You are truly one who follows the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    Give that broccoli-loving child a big hug for me!


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