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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sunday Devotion- The Mastermind

Janet Rubin

Grrrr! I scrolled through several chapters of my novel, read a paragraph and growled at my computer. I was in the process of reading through all 350 pages to figure out what parts needed changing. See, after writing about 2/3 of the story, I had decided that I needed to begin the novel at an earlier point in time. So I had written about thirteen new chapters and had just caught up with my old beginning. Now I had to read the parts I’d written months ago (much of which I’d forgotten), and see how things fit together before writing the end.

The process was turning out to be maddening. I was finding all kinds of inconsistencies. For one thing, I realized that about six months in a row are autumn in my novel world—not very realistic in New Hampshire! For another, I’d given one character about three different pasts that contradicted one another. Another problem was that with so many pages and different points of view, it was just plain hard to remember who did what, when, and on what page.

After re-reading, taking notes, and making a time line to help me keep the story organized, I’m finally ready to get things whipped into shape.

Thinking about how much trouble I have just keeping one little fictional world of my own creation in order, it amazes me all the more how God orders His creation.

He had things planned, had US planned, before the world was even created. Unlike me, who writes “by the seat of the pants,” God isn’t wondering how it will all work out. He knows all things. He knows the beginning from the end.

He holds it all together. He knows every family, every individual, every sparrow, and sees them all at every moment. He orders the seasons, the weather, the birth of every fawn, the hatching of every egg, the blooming of every flower. He knows the number of our days.

Not only that, but God has promised to make everything that happens to His children work for their good.

What an Author! What a Creator! I’m so glad a mind much greater than mine is in control.

Psalm 92:5 How great are your works, O LORD, how profound your thoughts!


  1. Great post, Janet, and so true about the writing process.


  2. Thanks Janet. The point you make here is a constant encouragement to me.

  3. Wow, what a thought. I've often heard about our creativity as writers reflecting God's creativity as creator, but it's good to remember that He's the perfect creator and doesn't get lost or confused like we sometimes do in our creations... :)


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