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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Work and Publicity

Have you ever seen the movie, The Coal Miner's Daughter?

It follows the story of Loretta Lynn through her childhood and into the struggles of being a star. What's impressive to me is the part where Loretta goes from an unknown to a known.

I don’t how much is fact or fiction, but it teaches an incredible lesson. Standing on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry didn't happen over night. The movie shows her husband working to package the records, make their own "professional" pictures, type the letters, mail out the packets and then driving to the locations to follow up. I love that he keeps a list of radio stations he crosses off, one-by-one. No stone unturned.

In the film, they were so busy promoting themselves on the road they didn't even know they'd hit number 14 on the charts. When they learned, they turned around and went straight to Nashville—not sure how they were going to manage to get on stage at the Opry House, but just knowing they were going to get there.

Publicity takes work.

Not just for the publicist, but for the author as well.

Even when I garner the hit, it does not excuse the author from the work. While I might orchestrate schedules, assemble press kits, write new releases, and come up with an appropriate Q&A, the author is the one stepping on the plane, spending a night in a strange city, scheduling time for radio interviews, or appearing before the camera.

Constantly, I have authors sending me contacts and information they've gathered for the campaign. They call with ideas for radio interviews, or magazine articles. Like the Loretta Lynn story, they don't stop with just the recording of the song… but keep the ball moving.

What are you doing this week for your book?


  1. Yeehaw, Jess. Excellent post with motivating info. Do those boots come in an eight and a half?

  2. Let's see. This week I'm working on the cover sheet. I also submitted a second proposal to the publisher for a follow-up/second story that is very loosely connected. I plan to get a third proposal in by December 15. Based on the way this publisher works, that would make a three book series for repackaging.

    I'm starting to think about tie-ins for the contracted book. It's publication date isn't until October, but I'm already collecting places to send the information like alumni magazines, Nebraska tie-ins, etc. And there's so much I still need to learn!

  3. Our authors always seem to be ready to do whatever needs to be done, and they are great to meet us more than half-way. We see it as a team approach, everyone working together to garner every opportunity for the author. Each hit is a win-win for everyone! Great words Jessica! Jeane

  4. Great post. You asked, "What are you doing this week for your book?"

    K: Been so busy marketing, I didn't get to read Novel Journey until now (nearly 8 p.m.). I packaged and mailed about over 70 signed and stickered copies of my new book Kiss the Bride with an accompanying first class letter with reader mail excerpts, things that are happening in my writing career, etc., and gratefulness for these people's prayers. I also gave out over 20 face to face to more of my "supporters." Monday night, I'm giving away over 100 to ministers' wives friends of mine at a ministers and wives Christmas banquet. I felt the Lord telling me to do this in 2000 when my first Christian fiction was published (American Dream, Barbour 4-in-1). I didn't even know what an influencer list was.

    This is just one thing I do for each new book. I feel that when you believe in your writing career, you're going to invest in it.

    Of course I'm known as a promo queen. That has something to do with it.

  5. LOL...I'm working on a rewrite of a chapter!

  6. Thanks everyone!


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