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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Friday, November 24, 2006

Jess' Turn ...

I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving and safe travel. For the last 'Thanksgiving' post, I wanted to mention people everyone in this writing community has reason to be thankful for. These individuals freely give their time and energy to promote Christian writers.

Bonnie Calhoun with the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance, who is dedicated to promoting Christian Fiction. She gives up many hours of her life to promote authors and titles.

Michelle Hutchinson, who features authors and reviews many books.

C.J. Darlington, with
TitleTrakk, who reviews, interviews, and works to unite Christian music with CBA fiction.

Lena Nelson Dooley, who must spend hours a week preparing interviews and providing spotlight for authors in her newsletter.

Barbara Warren who keeps track of the news and updates, generously giving her time for others.

The girls from the
FabFourBookPicks, who not only review and interview, but I see their comments all over the net about books

Ane Mulligan with
NovelReviews, who works tirelessly to keep the review site up current.

Gina Holmes, founder of
NovelJourney, who works to keep this blog growing and informative and people connected.

I'm sure there are more names that deserve to be listed above. I'm thankful for those who promote others and impact lives.

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  1. Thank you for the mention, but you dear Jessica are one of the guiding lights in the promotion of Christian fiction.

    I hope your holiday was relaxing!

  2. Wow. Thanks for including me in your list, Jessica. It's an honor. And I want to echo Bonnie -- anyone would be blessed to have you as a publicist (and friend).


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