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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A few words with a newly contracted author...

Robin Miller who writes under the pen name, Robin Carroll, was just awarded her first contract on a novel. While the exitement was still fresh, we thought we'd ask her a few questions. Once the book is closer to release, we'll interview her in depth.

Robin, you just received a contract from Steeple Hill. Did you submit through an agent?

I met with Krista Stroever at RWA National at the end of July and pitched Bayou Burning to her. She requested the full manuscript. I told my agent, awesome Kelly Mortimer, and she line-edited the manuscript, and then we submitted it to Krista.

How did you choose your agent?

I chose my agent carefully. I talked to her clients, I asked people in the industry about her. Then, I talked with her on the phone after she’d requested the full. We “clicked” and she offered representation on that manuscript.

How did you hear about the contract?

My agent called me. I know I squealed and screamed, then I cried. Then I called my husband.

How long did you wait between submitting and hearing?

Thanks to USPS delivery confirmation, Krista received the full manuscript on September 18th. I got the call exactly one month later…October 18th.

Did you know it was going to editorial committee and/or pub board?

I didn’t know.

What are you working on now?

Um, letting it soak in….choosing a pen name. And I'll start working on the sequel to it when my mind works again.

Congratulations, Robin! When Robin's new website will be
In the meantime, you can go to

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  1. Congratulations again, Robin. That is such phenomenal news. The buzz doesn't leave for awhile. Enjoy it!

  2. Robin, I'm so happy for you and proud to be your friend! You've worked hard for this.

  3. Robin, I am so excited for you! way to go lady! ;) Congratulations!


  4. Thanks, y'all. I'm still walking on air and enjoying the trip. I'm living proof God is good and He's good all the time!

  5. That's my crit buddy and friend! So proud of you girl! Still walking on air with you!! (Is it wrong that I stop random people on the street and tell them that my great friend Robin Caroll just sold her first book??)

    Ane! Thanks for interviewing her! y'all rock!

  6. Ane and Gina, thanks so much for doing my first "official" interview. Y'all bless so many writers/readers with your blog.

    Heather, tell EVERYBODY! LOLOLOL Thanks. I couldn't do this without the love, help, encouragement, and support of my family and cps!

  7. Congrats, Robin! Great interview.


  8. Awww, Kris. Thanks. I love y'all and the support and encouragement I get so ROCKS!

  9. Oh wow! Robin's on Novel Journey. How cool is that? Girl, seeing you get pubbed is just the tops!!! Can't wait to have a copy of your book, signed by you. Can't wait to hear about your next book. Can't wait to see all that comes next. Rooting for you EVERY step of the way. You're an awesome writer and friend. Love you!!!

  10. I'm SOOO excited for you, Robin! Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations, Robin. We Arkansas writers are soooo proud of you!

  12. Great interview! And I'm as guilty as Heather, I yelled it to the kids, called my hubby, and I think I've told everyone at church and at work, lol.

    You have worked so hard and I am so proud of you!


  13. Well finally blogger is back up! I knew someone smart would see Robin's potential. You're on your way now, girl! Whoohoo!

  14. Robin, I almost shouted when I read the post about the sale. I am so excited. Almost as if you were one of my mentees. I will want to feature you with an interview on my blog when the book comes out.

  15. Everyone who knows Robin knows she's earned this. We love her dearly and pray for her continued success. All of her crit partners feel like this is our victory. Praise nap.

  16. This is what happens. Kelly had just rose from the dead next to me on the couch, and I'm typing what was supposed to be "Praise God." Although, "Praise Nap" has entered my mind quite often.

  17. Y'all make this all the more exciting for me! I just love y'all!

  18. Ron, you crack me up. And hey, I can relate to the Praise Nap faux pas....LOL

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Robin, you KNOW I'm rejoicing with you. I praise God for His gift of both your talent and the timing of this sale. He is awesome.

    Thanks for the interview, Ane!

  21. Congratulations, Robin! Thanks for calling me to let me know personally. Doing the happy dance with you!

  22. Thanks, Paula and Michelle. This makes it all so much sweeter...having so many wonderful "ACFW family members" who are so excited for me. Y'all make ME emotional! LOL


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