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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

And the winner of our Best of Evil book giveaway contest is ...

J. Mark Bertrand.

Ane, Jess and I each picked different favorites for the scariest author story. It was ridiculous really, but we each had one name on our lists in common and that was Mark's.

All the stories were great though. Losing half a wip, yikes! Cursing at an editor, man. Having a hero go to bed with her husband and wake up with someone else, a writer's nightmare, but there's something truly terrifying about public speaking!

Congratulations Mark. Thank you everyone for playing and sharing your stories!


  1. Congrats, Mark. I enjoyed reading your story.

  2. You're kidding! I won? That's awesome. Thanks so much. This makes the trauma so worthwhile! :)

  3. Congrats.

    Well chosen. Mark's story made me a little queasy.

    So whatcha going to do for November, girls? Any turkey or stuffing novels out there?

  4. We do have something huge in the works but it's a surprise. The winner won't win a lastest release stuffed inside a butter ball though, that much I can tell you.


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