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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bright & Cavanaugh's Storm ~ reviewed

*Bright & Cavanaugh
*Paperback: 368 pages
*Howard Publishing Company
*March 14, 2006
*ISBN: 1582294933

From the Publisher:

As the spiritual fervor of the Great Awakening begins to decline in America, a young student at Yale College becomes the target of both academic and personal attacks as he takes a stand for his faith. In time, he discovers that this is no coincidence but rather the work of a secret society bent on squelching a spiritual revival that breaks out on campus. Written with the intensity of a political thriller, this compelling novel-set against the historical backdrop of America in the late 1800s-reminds readers how the Holy Spirit can shape not only individual lives, but an entire nation.

Reviewed by: Gina Holmes

In 1798, Yale freshman Asa Rush is not your typical hero. He's not handsome, well-spoken or popular, but he does find favor with Yale's President, Timothy Dwight. Dwight makes no secret that he would like to see God put back into the curriculum and the student's hearts.

Asa soon learns that sharing that vision with Dwight would not only involve a personal sacrifice that threatens everything he cares about, but could even cost him his life.

Dwight requests a favor from Asa. Asa eagerly agrees until he learns the enormity of the request. He has asked Asa to befriend his arch rival, Eli Cooper.

Not only is Eli pursuing the same woman Asa is in love with, but he tries to humiliate him every chance he gets. The hatred between the two men provides excellent conflict throughout this novel.

Asa's amazing journey takes him from learning to obey God, to trying to prevent an insurrection to a final call to sacrifice.

Through it all, Asa learns that revival must begin in his own heart.

Gina's comments:

Wow, this historical novel is fantastic ! The characterization is the best I've seen. The story itself is engrossing. After reading this stellar work, I was left feeling entertained, convicted and inspired. If you enjoyed Randy Alcorn's Safely Home, I think this book will appeal to you.

Storm has made my top ten list.

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  1. If it made your top ten, I gotta read it.

  2. I loved this book as well. It was very moving. But I already have an advanced copy, so have at it, everyone!



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