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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Weekend Wire

First of all, we'll mention the news that you've already noticed if you're here:

Novel Journey gets a new look! If you have a blog that you're wanting to update, have I got the lady for you. Natalie of Digery Studios designed this and for under a hundred dollars (can you believe that?) worked with me to get the look that was perfect for me. I should have done this months ago. Her addy is: or you can click on the little box to the left under the "I power blogger" with her signature.

I'd love to know what you all think. Leave a comment if you would.

And speaking of comments: Thank you so much to those of you who leave them. I can tell that hundreds of people had visited a certain author's interview, but they don't know that. They only get to see the comments that are left. We all need to encourage each other. And leaving a comment is one simple way. So thank you!

Next on the news front:

Don Brown's much anticipated second novel,
Hostage is now available. I ordered mine through Amazon and they assured me it's on its way. (You can check it out on the Amazon search box on this site, if you like. When you order through Amazon, if you click on the Amazon link on this site, it helps support the site, btw).

I'm so excited about Don's book. I'll be reviewing it on this site when I'm finished.

Mixin' it up: We'll be tossing around some new things in the weeks to come. Start Monding we have a two part interview with Traci Depree. She does a fantastic job. She's both best-selling author and one of the best editors in the business. Her interview will talk about both her writing and the business of editing within a publishing house. You don't want to miss that one.

We'll be having some guest bloggers give some special commentary on the writing life. After next week, I'll be peppering in some of those between interviews.

Author Lynn Coleman has been on a whirlwind tour promoting her most excellent novel, Fighting for Bread and Roses. We'll be interviewing her as well coming up. Keep her in your prayers. She's keeping a schedule that would drop me.

On a personal front, I'm in the market for a new agent. Gasp. No, it's fine. We're still good friends. Just a glitch of the business and it's for the best. God has better plans! But, I'm a talking to a few folks and trying to convince my mentor Alton he needs to get into the agenting business. He'd be awesome.

But, with several great publishers considering both novels, I'm in a fantastic position to snag me another great agent. Things are looking promising.

Another invitation:

If you have writing/publishing related news, SEND IT! Please! No one's taking me up on this and it really is a great, free avenue to promote yourself. And that's why we're here. To promote you--all of us-- who write for the Lord.

One last thing: I hate the name "News Saturday". Yawn. Can anyone think of a better name? I was thinking S'up Saturday, but then figured maybe not everyone would get it.

Give me your ideas.

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  1. Whoa! Love, love, love the new design. Very cool, very elegant.


  2. I like S'up Saturday. :-p But I also live in the inner city. ;-)

    And I love the new design. Very clean looking. :-)

  3. Thanks ladies! I'm very please with it. Okay, that's one vote for S'up Saturday. Appreciate the comments!

  4. Weekend Wire, On the Rebound, Round the Corner (you got a street on your logo), or how about names that go w/ your "First Novel" theme like, Page Two or Chapter Break or Between the Lines or Page Notes. You could get real obnoxious and call it Gina's Breather or Been Evicted. P.S. I'm still swooning over Angie Hunt.

  5. Mike, as you can see, I picked one of your suggestions. Though I liked Between the Lines too. And Angie's a great lady to swoon over if you must.

  6. You are killin' me! This is awesome. Way better than a website.

  7. Thanks Ron. Natalie at Digery gets all the credit. Girl's a genious. Thanks for the comment!

  8. Great look, Gina. My eyes popped out when I saw it. Love, love, love it. Natalie is a genius.

    P.S. If you find my eyes, send them back, k?

  9. Thanks Dineen! Hopefully when I find your eyes they won't be all shriveled like that pair of contacts I found after a month.

  10. Very cool, Gina. I'm just seeing it today for the first time. Congrats! Just hope all this work doesn't keep you from your writing ... ;-)

  11. Thanks Claudia and CJ. (And CJ you're a great person to have around. Thanks for fixing my boo-boo. I'm sure Eric appreciates you too. I fixed the link.)Oh and I'd like to say this blog doesn't keep me from writing, but truth is EVERYTHING keeps me from writing. I'm working on balance.

  12. Oh, I'm with you, Gina. Discipline is probably one of the hardest aspects of writing for me, but I'm determined to overcome it!

  13. Wow, Gina, great new look! Very together. I like the S'up Saturday also. I get it! Keep up the good job.

    I can't wait for the Traci Depree, I spend a lot of time skulking around her blog, not feeling worthy enough to comment.

    Alton Gansky is like my favorite author. How can I tell...I have more of his books (seven), than other authors.

  14. Ditto to all of the above. Looks great. You and Natalie pat each other on the back...then get back to work.


  15. Great new look Gina!

  16. Thanks Bonnie, Mike and Heather! I appreciate that greatly. Bonnie, I agree that Traci's blog and Alton's books are both great. And Mike, LOL, I'll get back to work--you too buddy. Miles to go.

  17. Sweet blog look!!

    I like S'up Saturday, even if I don't read it til Monday. Besides, anything to make Monday less Monday is a winner in my book. : )

  18. Thanks Ms. K. you da greatest (after me, I mean ;)

  19. LOVE the blog, girl! Great job!

  20. I love S'up Saturday...cute and catchy!


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