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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Friday, August 12, 2005

In and Out of My Hands

I want a contract. Bad.

I want to see my book on the shelves of Barnes & Noble. My name on the spine. My picture on the back cover. A paycheck would be nice, too.

I could make myself crazy trying to make it happen sooner than God has planned for me. Although in reality, what could I really do to speed the process?

When I hear of a market that might be appropriate, I let my agent know. I'm already signed up for a writer's conference next month where I can go promote myself and network.

I'm working hard at writing the new book. I learning all I can about the craft of writing and applying what I know.

I'm even going to enter an excerpt from my first novel, Saving Eden, to the Faith in Fiction Blog conversion scene contest. That might help get some attention and grow me as a writer.

I feel like I'm doing all I can. It really is out of my hands after that. And that's okay. I trust my agent, but more importantly, I trust God.

It's hard letting go, but its much harder trying to control what is out of my hands.

I'm not sitting home twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the phone to ring. I'm sitting home working as hard as I can and trusting that when it's my time, the contract will come. God willing.

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  1. I'm sitting home working as hard as I can and trusting that when it's my time, the contract will come. God willing.

    Amen, Gina. That's the only way to approach the process. You've got the right attitude. You've got a good agent to help you shop your work around. Be patient (okay, be patient-er), keep writing, and trust that it will happen when it's supposed to.

  2. Thanks, Tony(?). Great advice. Trying hard to do my best at controlling what I can and giving the rest over to God. His plans for me are so much bigger and better than my plans for myself. Just have to keep reminding myself of that. Your blog and story are an inspiration, btw.


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