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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Contest You May Be Interested In

I've said it before but this year has been horrible. Something rocked my world months back and I haven't been the same since. I don't know if that incident propelled me into my midlife crisis or if I would have gone through it anyway.

But, I think I'm finally coming out the end of that dark tunnel back into the light.

I've felt far from friends and family during this time. Worst of all, I've felt far from God.

But, I want to come home. And I know He's waiting with open arms. Though I don't deserve it. But, then I didn't the first time he welcomed me either. No one does.

I'll never forget the day I realized how horrible I was. How sinful and dirty. And the humility that came with that. And the awe that a perfect God could love a wretch like me.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and been washed of your sins, you know what I'm talking about.

The very wonderful faith in fiction blog site, (see my links for the address) is hosting a conversion scene contest. (For those of you who aren't saved, that's when someone accepts the free gift of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and asks him into their life).

All the rules aren't out, But Dave Long (the site's owner and acq. editor for Bethany House) has posted some information on it. So far I only know that it needs to be under 3k words. He mentioned that the winner of the last contest he had may have gotten a contract out of it.

So, check out that site. Even if you're not interested in the contest, it's full of great information.

I've got a scene already from my first novel, Saving Eden, that I'm thinking of entering.

Now, I'm going to go and get with God.

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