I am officially back to being a full-time mom, writer, and homemaker and a part-time nurse. Hooray.
While working full-time I did manage to eke out 200 pages of my new book, The Demon Chaser. But, that was in 7 months.
I wonder how my productivity will increase now that I can write almost every day. When I used to be home full-time, I wrote about 2 chapters a week. Fairly polished. Of course, back then, I was also home-schooling a 2nd grader and keeping up with a toddler.
This year, Jacob is going off to public school and even the 3 year old, Levi, is going to pre-school for a half-day.
For the first time, ever, I'm going to be home alone to write.
Since Levi will be going to school from 9-12, I think those will be my writing hours. Well, more like 9:30 to 11:30 since I have to take him and pick him up.
So for those hours I'll tap out nothing but new stuff.
Then, in the afternoon, I'll do my home-maker duties. I still have to find time to critique for my writer friends and rework in their suggestions in my previous chapters.
I haven't worked out the logistics just yet.
I'll keep you posted on how I do with the new arrangement.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
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Back to Part-time Nurse, Full Time Writer
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
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