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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Writers Read

You've heard the adage: writers read? I'll bet you have.

Too busy to read? I'll bet you're too busy to write well too.

I guess there are exceptions. I'm not one of 'em.

Most, if not all, writers begin as avid readers. I grew up reading Hardy Boys Mysteries. I tried to like Nancy Drew but, she was no Hardy boy! Then, I moved on to VC Andrews. Too bad my parents didn't take a closer look before they let me read that. Talk about innappropriate for my age! But, I got the Flowers in the Attic series for Christmas and had all the books read before Christmas break was up.

Then, I moved on to Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Grisham and others.

It was only in the last few years that I discovered Christian fiction with the Left Behind Series. I read Deborah Raney and then discovered Francine Rivers, Alton Gansky and Frank Peretti.

Non-Christian books I've read lately: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (great writing, great story, some non-Christian content) and Lovely Bones (also interesting story and good writing but non-Christian ideas of Heaven).

Some of my favorite recently read novels:

Francine Rivers-- Redeeming Love, The Scarlet Thread and The Last Sin Eater.

Randy Alcorn, Safely Home.

Frank Peretti, Monster.

Deborah Raney, A Nest of Sparrows

Alton Gansky, Submerged and The Incumbent

Don Brown: Treason

Ted Dekker: Black

Jefferson Scott, Operation Firebrand.

I've got about five new novels sitting on my bedside table waiting to be little time.

Reading teaches writing probably better than any how to book or course. So, don't feel guilty doing what you love to do. You're not wasting time when you read, you're doing research.

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  1. If you like Frank Peretti, you've gotta check out Eric Wilson's DARK TO MORTAL EYES & EXPIRATION DATE. He's got a style his own, but it's supernatural suspense that I very much enjoyed, and I've always been a big Peretti fan.

  2. I'm writing these names down and going onto Amazon to get them. You know when you pitch your story to publishers, they want you to compare it to other stuff. The only comparison for the CBA supernatural thriller is Peretti. I need more comparison choices. I appreciate the info.


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