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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Gina at the Blue Ridge Mtn writer's confence with fellow "Penwrights" online writing critique group. Posted by Hello


  1. Thanks for sharing your story, Gina. I've enjoyed reading it and kept checking back to see if anything new had happened. Keep on typing!

  2. Thanks CJ. I think you said before that you too are writing a second novel. Is that right? Do you belong to a critique group? Gina

  3. Hi, Gina. Just checked back here again and saw your question. Yes, I am writing my second novel while marketing my first to publishers.

    I don't belong to a critique group right now. But it's funny you should mention this. Do you ever visit Brandilyn Collins' blog at ?

    There's an excerpt of a scene from my first novel that's being critiqued right now by her blog readers, and Brandilyn will be critiquing it this Monday. It's been a lot of fun.

    Keep writing for Him!

  4. If you're interested, I belong to a on-line critique group. We are accepting new members but the owner does require a writing sample. They're always open to talented and ready to be published or already published authors. If you're interested you can e-mail me and I'll give you the info. Gina


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